
Friday, April 29, 2016

DAW2016: BioWare

Considering how I myself have promoted Developer Appreciation Week in the past, I find myself ashamed at my own poor showing this year. Then again, I feel pretty detached from the bloggin community in general. Unlike folks like Belghast, I been almost exclusively playing a single game for over a year now. So while I may still have fond memories of games like World of Warcraft, Star Trek Online, Rift, and The Secret World, I don't have much new to say about the companies behinds them. Although I certainly appreciate the efforts of the folks working on those titles.
Which brings us to SWTOR and BioWare. Looking back through my own DAW posts, I realized that I never really singled out the Austin-based division of EA for their contribution to my MMO gaming pleasure. I thought I had talked about the writers more recently, but it was not in connection with DAW. The single reference I found to the "storytellers" was way back in 2012, only a few months after SWTOR launched.
Perhaps needless to say, the storytellers and everyone else involved with SWTOR have kicked it into high gear with the recent Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion. The cinematography and story are top notch, though I have criticisms I will save for another day.
Maybe because I myself have relaxed and have adjusted my expectations (and by that I do not mean "lowered my standards"), the game is much more enjoyable than the frustrating spring and summer of 2012. Also, while I may dabble from time to time in other games, SWTOR is enough to scratch my itch. Scooter loves playing it, and I love playing with her.

And so, many thanks to the BioWare team for SWTOR and all the games you have worked on and continue to develop.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

ARPil Day of Favorites!

[OOC] This was more of an exercise in Wookiepedia research than anything, since I had never thought of any favorites for Morrenia (or any other character). And many of the items are my own favorites, transposed to Morrenia. Feel free to guess which ones.

[IC] Before we begin, I must include an erratum regarding a previous question. I was reminded (with a quick zap of force lightning) that, when asked about surrogate family, I forgot to mention someone near and dear to me: Glember, who always has my back in a fight. She was with me on Korriban even before Vette. We helped each other make it through the trials and then had many more adventures together. She'll always be my favorite. Anyway, on to the others.

Favorite color: Maroon

Favorite outfit: The battle robe you see in the holo image to the right.

Favorite song: Run Kessel Run

Favorite flower: Rominaria

Favorite time of year: Autumn; crisp mornings, brilliant foliage

Favorite holiday: Naboo's Festival of Glad Arrival

Favorite comfort food: Shaak Pot Roast

Favorite hot drink: Caf

Favorite ice cream flavor: Juna Berry

Favorite vice: Lieutenant Pierce

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This article from I Have Touched the Sky is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If you repost part or all of the work (for non-commercial purposes), please cite me as the author and include a link back to the blog.

If you are reading this post through RSS or Atom feed—especially more than a couple hours after publication—I encourage you to visit the actual page, as I often make refinements after the fact. The mobile version also loses some of the original character of the piece due to simplified formatting.

Monday, April 25, 2016

From the Adventures of Darth Soffe and the Blueberry Kid

With the initial story completion for my Consular, Baldrvar, and Scooter's Jedi Knight, Vireena (one more notch in the Legendary belt), it is time to move back over to the Imperial side. I have completed all my imperial class stories, and only need Trooper, so I created a new agent to accompany Scooter and her last Imp, the Sith Warrior Soffe Sunfleur.
Soffe is a Zabrak, mostly Dark, but not completely. After a series of misadventures on Korriban and Dromund Kaas (let's just say, people died), Soffe is rewarded with a sweet starship and an assignment to track down a mysterious Jedi padawan with a unique ability that might bring down Darth Butterball's entire spy network.

We interrupt this introduction with a reminder that the 7th(!) annual Developer Appreciation Week has started. As gamers, we are passionate about our pastime. Another group is so passionate about games that they became part of the industry that develops them for our entertainment. Though much of the time our passion spills over into criticism; members of the blogging community have set aside this week to show our appreciation for all the efforts of the development teams responsible for our favorite games. If you have a blog of your own, I encourage you to write a post or more this week, thanking the developers of your favorite games for all their hard work.
Cipher Agent Arándano is a member of the Chiss Ascendancy, on an exchange program with Imperial Intelligence. his first assignment is a mission to guarantee the supply of refined shvash gas produced by Nem'ro the Hutt on Nal Hutta. Along the way, he poaches anarchist liquidator Kaliyo Djannis from Nem'ro's gang. Following the destruction of the Imperial dreadnought Dominator by the Eagle terrorist network, the newly designated Cipher agent is issued a luxury yacht starship in order to have more autonomy in tracking down their cultish leader. Like many of his kind, Arándano is reserved and diplomatic in his interactions with non-Chiss. When push comes to shove, however; you don't want to be on the wrong end of this agent's HK-55 model sniper rifle.

I haven't worked out Arándano's full Chiss name yet, because I don't want him to be a member of one of the major Chiss Ruling Houses of the Rebellion/New Republic Era, partly because it seems silly that the same families would be in power for three to four millennia. But I'd prefer to have some anchor in SW lore. His name is Castilian Spanish for "blueberry." Soffe's name was inspired by Sofia the First, a Disney Channel animated series that is a favorite of our granddaughter.  Just last night, Scooter and I finished our tour of Dromund Kaas and received our ships just before heading off to bed. More to come.
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This article from I Have Touched the Sky is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If you repost part or all of the work (for non-commercial purposes), please cite me as the author and include a link back to the blog.

If you are reading this post through RSS or Atom feed—especially more than a couple hours after publication—I encourage you to visit the actual page, as I often make refinements after the fact. The mobile version also loses some of the original character of the piece due to simplified formatting.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

ARPil: Trust Issues

Is there anyone in your extended family with whom you are particularly close? Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, etc. Do you have anyone whom you consider practically a blood relative?
At one time, my parents lived close to family, in Theed. I played with my cousins, attended family gathering, what have you. However, I doubt of us were close with our parents, or their parents for that matter. Then, since the day I was selected for Sith training, I haven't seen any of my family for years. Others I might consider a blood relative? I am very loyal to the faithful members of my crew. Jaesa is like the dark child I never had. And Vette is a like a sister, though we are on different social strata. My closest surrogate sister, though, is Glember, who always has my back in a fight. She was with me on Korriban even before Vette. We helped each other make it through the trials and then have had many more adventures together.
Whom do you trust?
It is difficult to trust anyone. A member of my aforementioned crew betrayed me to my former master, Baras, and have not forgiven, nor forgotten. I considered my other crew members to be loyal in their various roles; however, I have been unable to locate any of them since my time in carbon-freeze. If Lana Beniko could find me, why weren't any of them with her? Surely they should been far easier to locate. . .
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This article from I Have Touched the Sky is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If you repost part or all of the work (for non-commercial purposes), please cite me as the author and include a link back to the blog.

If you are reading this post through RSS or Atom feed—especially more than a couple hours after publication—I encourage you to visit the actual page, as I often make refinements after the fact. The mobile version also loses some of the original character of the piece due to simplified formatting.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Four More ARPil Questions

Someone may need a lightning strike.
Once again, I've fallen behind my own schedule. [EDIT: It's even worse, since this was supposed to be finished and posted yesterday.] I was out of the house for most of the day [Sunday]. So here are four six ARPil interview questions for Morrenia. They are grouped a little differently than Pizza Maid's list. Jumping around thematically might be OK when taking the questions one day at a time, but I feel they should be somewhat more cohesive when I am answering more than one in a post.

Name one scar you have, and tell us where it came from. If you don’t have any, is there a reason?
Scars are for people who aren't fast enough to get out of the way. (I wonder what Silverleaf, with his Nexu claw scars, would have to say about that.)

Smell? Cutie mark? What kind of questions are these?
How do you smell? Do you wear perfume? (OK, I know this sounds funny in the second person, the original questions are asked in the third person about my character.)
The impertinence! Oh, all right. I do wear perfume, a blend of Algaran zwil and rominaria extract from Naboo.

What would your cutie mark be?
I had to look up these "marks" on the holonet. What sort of creature places a tattoo on their arse? It's not as if I going to expose that area to anyone but my most intimate companions. Though I suppose if I have to pick something: crossed lightsabers, black core with a yellow corona, like my own.

How vain are you? Do you find yourself attractive?
I suppose I consider myself attractive, though I haven't really put thought into that in years. I certainly have had no shortage of bed partners. And some may say my cosmetic routine indicates vanity, though it is mostly habit at this point. (I do consider Morrenia attractive. After all, I "created" her. I generally try to use the customization tools available to make my characters aesthetically pleasing to me, regardless of gender or species.)

What’s your ranking on the Kinsey Scale?
Another one I had to look up. Republic scientists have such strange fields of study. I guess I would say I am about a 2.5. Pleasure is pleasure, and I am open to almost any new experience. (Like several of my characters, Morrenia is an unrepentant flirt. Given their history from the Interlude and Shadow of Revan, she is currently involved with Lana Beniko.)

What might your character’s ideal romantic partner be?
Someone with a lust for life, who doesn't mind my own bloodlust. They would be completely devoted to me and yet able to speak their mind. A man (or woman) of action, who will have my back in my frequent battles. (In short, Lieutenant Pierce.)
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This article from I Have Touched the Sky is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If you repost part or all of the work (for non-commercial purposes), please cite me as the author and include a link back to the blog.

If you are reading this post through RSS or Atom feed—especially more than a couple hours after publication—I encourage you to visit the actual page, as I often make refinements after the fact. The mobile version also loses some of the original character of the piece due to simplified formatting.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

ARPil and Other Business

Well, this week certainly has been interesting (not really). I returned from a lengthy business trip last Saturday, and fully expected to have a post or two up this week. But it didn't happen. Honestly, I barely even played video games; as Scooter's schedule has also been funky this week, and we've chosen to do other things with our limited time together.

So I may try to cram two question a day into the second half of ARPil. Meanwhile. Belghast was asking the other day on Twitter about what happened to Developer Appreciation Week this year. I had completely forgotten about the event, what with my being out of town and preoccupied with work. Normally, I've aimed to promote it towards the end of March, perhaps pushing into April, but upon consultation with the gamer formerly known as Scarybooster, who originated the idea in 2010, we decided to encourage people to participate from 24 April through the end of the month.

In the meantime, on with the ARPil questions. I decided to make Darth Morrenia, the Empire's Wrath, my subject for ARPil. Like Pizza Maid, I will answer in character.
What are your most prominent physical features?
I am admittedly petite and slight of frame, not exactly what one might expect of a Warrior of the Sith. All the better to surprise any opponent. As my connection to the Dark Side of the Force has become strengthened, my green eyes have turned the characteristic Sith yellow. And while not a physical feature, per se, I am never in public without wearing traditional Naboo-style cosmetics.

Describe your relationship with your mother or your father, or both. Was it good? Bad? Were you spoiled rotten, ignored? Do you still get along now, or no?
I was raised among the nobility of Naboo, so I guess you could say I was spoiled. I certainly had all my material wants satisfied. My parents doted on me when they were around. But they had many social commitments, and much of my upbringing was conducted by governesses and other servants of the household. My parents brushed shoulders with the leaders of the planet, and I was involved in the Legislative Youth Program. However, I was deemed too volatile for leadership. I was in my early twenties when I was approached by representatives of Overseer Tremel of the Order of the Sith. Since I began my training, I have not returned to Naboo, nor communicated with my parents other than to reassure them of my well-being.
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This article from I Have Touched the Sky is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If you repost part or all of the work (for non-commercial purposes), please cite me as the author and include a link back to the blog.

If you are reading this post through RSS or Atom feed—especially more than a couple hours after publication—I encourage you to visit the actual page, as I often make refinements after the fact. The mobile version also loses some of the original character of the piece due to simplified formatting.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

30 Days of ARPil

Yes I am already behind. A few days ago, Ravanel Griffon suggested that I participate in a blogging event being "sponsored" by Pizza Maid, wherein you take one original character and answer questions about them (Pizza Maid is doing it in character), filling in background information along the way. I'm highly in favor of developing backstory for player characters, even if you're not really much into RP in the actual games you play.
My problem is that I am sort of between characters. While I really enjoy playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, so much of the story is being told by the developers that I don't have the strong connection to them that I have had in the past with my characters from The Secret World, Star Trek Online, and even World of Warcraft. Maybe I'm lying to myself, these are some pretty in-depth blurbs.

So mostly with this post, I am promoting the event and the idea. Along with my busy schedule for the first third of the month, I think my participation will be spotty. I need to decide on a character, preferably one I have not written too extensively about. But I plan to have an answer to yesterday's and today's questions by the end of the evening. We'll see how it goes from there.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. If you repost part or all of the work (for non-commercial purposes), please cite me as the author and include a link back to this blog.

If you are reading this post through RSS or Atom feed—especially more than a couple hours after publication—I encourage you to visit the actual page, as I often make refinements after the fact. The mobile version also loses some of the original character of the piece due to simplified formatting.