
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Blaugust 2022 Wrap-up

Greetings, Traveler!

So I didn't actually do as well this year as I did last year. I have excuses, but none of them really matter. This is all just a hobby. Now, congratulations to all of you that managed to achieve something blogging related this month. Now, hopefully, I will maintain a modicum of momentum and keep posting here and there.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The Mounts I Have Liked Using the Most?

Greetings Traveler!

So I read a series of posts yesterday from Nogamara, Paeroka, and Syp (through MassivelyOP), about "What mounts do you like using the most?" Currently, I am playing Guild Wars 2 pretty exclusively. Though reading through blog posts, I am tempted by other old favorites.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Guild Wars 2: Full Steam Ahead

Greetings Traveler!

Tomorrow marks the Tenth Anniversary of the release of the fantastic sequel to Guild Wars. Well, technically, this coming Sunday is the 10th anniversary, but since they do updates on Reality Tuesday™, we're celebrating early.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

MCU Review: She-Hulk, Attorney at Law (SPOILERS)

Greetings Traveler!
So last night, I had the chance to watch the premier of Marvel's new She-Hulk, Attorney-at-Law on Disney+, a thoroughly enjoyable 38-minute episode starring the delightful Tatiana Maslany, perhaps best known for her stint on Orphan Black. My impressions are a bit spoilery, so join me after the break if you're interested.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Skiffing About in Guild Wars 2

Greetings, Traveler!

The need for this is probably long past now, as skiffs have been available since the launch of EoD in March, and were probably on display during some beta or another. However, reading back through a couple of posts and comments from last year, I came across one from Bhagpuss, wondering how the system would be implemented:
Bhagpuss: So the Skiff is officially a mount, is it? I figured it would use the mount system but I was hoping for something a bit more genuinely "boaty".

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Why Blaugust?

Greetings Traveler!

I thought I would write something to do with this week's Blaugust theme, which is Blaugust itself. Chances are, if you're reading this, you already have a good idea of what Blaugust is. But you may be wondering why I, an intermittent blogger of late, might choose to participate or promote it.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Blaugust 2022

Greetings Traveler,

I'm a little late to the party, but maybe I'll catch up on the weekend. So anyway, it's that time of year again, the one where Rowan actually attempts to blog again. That's right, the blogging frenzy known as Blaugust.