
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

If you're reading this, you probably ought to thank a game developer.

OK, so MMO Gamer Chick has told me it's Developer Appreciation Week, an event founded by Scarybooster, and she has not steered me wrong yet. Thank you so much, Devs, for creating the games I play. You're not perfect, but you put out entertaining games that millions of people enjoy with little or no complaint. Don't listen to those few whiners that have too much time on their hands and too much unsupervised access to their mom's computer. (Oops, did I type that?) I haven't played as many different MMOs as some others, but I have thoroughly enjoyed both Star Trek Online and World of Warcraft, despite any perceived flaws. Keep working hard to improve on these wonderful properties. We love them.


  1. Awesome! DAW was actually started up by scarybooster, so you'll want to credit him with that. A handful of bloggers liked the idea and just jumped on board, you should check some of them out.

  2. Arg, forgot to change my name again when I typed that, but you know it's me. Anyway, I just want to add that even though DAW is just a made up thing, I think it's great how people are showing their appreciation. One can only take so much nerdraging and complaining on game forums, etc.

  3. There, I credited Scarybooster. :D I know I can only take a limited amount of nerdrage before I want to strangle someone.

  4. Great post I'm glad I found it. Thanks for your support this week.

  5. Thanks, Scary. I appreciate it, coming from you.
