
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

QOTD: I do not dance for you . . .

So I can’t really choose between the two, and since it’s my blog I don’t have to.
~Syp, awarding his Flushies to the best new MMOs of 2012.
I really don't need to say more do I? Every year, it seems a new MMO catches my eye. This year, it was two. Our mission as gaming bloggers is to seek out innovation and fun. Well there it sits. Perhaps more than any other MMOs in recent memory, The Secret World and Guild Wars 2 are moving the genre forward. Neither is revolutionary, but the evolution is going well.

By the way, this post marks my 300th published, a goal I'd set for myself about mid-year. I'm also reaching more readers than ever, or at least more image hunters. Thanks for sticking with me. :)


  1. Congrats!

    Also...weird to think that a year ago I was just getting into the SWTOR experience...

  2. I know, right? I played SWTOR for more of the year, but it was ultimately more disappointing. :\

    And thank you. :)

  3. Congrats on post 300! Here's to a solid thousand before 2014 :-)

  4. "Our mission as gaming bloggers is to seek out innovation and fun".

    "The Secret World and Guild Wars 2 are moving the genre forward. Neither is revolutionary, but the evolution is going well".

    Quite agree on both. In the long run it will be left to be seen if the Secret World can really survive. I believe it can, but other people pulls the strings as to what they do with the game and its Future progress. There isn't any like it in the MMO World for fun and play in its category.

    For 2012 the only 2 NEW MMO Games that remains in my gaming stable is also both The Secret World and GW2. Though GM2 is all around fun and more polished and easy casual to play, i've tend to prefer the gritty more intelligent or cerebral game play of The Secret World because i enjoy thinking outside the box of the normal.

    Spammers seem to be liking your Blog Comments, you might need to Zap a few.

    Gratz on 300 Posts!

    It's been enjoyable to stop here and consider the various posts you've written in 2012, even if I didn't post a comment to the vast majority of them. Some posts one don't always have an exact comment, you just ponder the thought of whats written and maybe it just gives you a thought for something else to consider.

    1. Thanks, I saw the spam this morning and zapped them before getting to your comment. I certainly hope TSW can remain (become?) profitable and stay up and running. You're right, it offers a more cerebral experience not available in most MMOs today. And thank you for reading regularly, no need to comment unless you have something to say. :D
