
Thursday, July 18, 2013

TSW Anniversity Celebration

On Monday night, there was a little celebration shindig at the abandoned Taberna in southwest Shadowy Forest. The awesome folks who organized the #anniversity chat channel, which hordes of players used to get information on Guardians of Gaia appearances and get meetups to combat the threat, wanted to have a little celebration, and I popped in. There were many spotters who contributed to the success of Anniversity, but tons of credit go to "Wrong-Way," who spent her RL vacation in 15-hour days to help spot, provide valuable information—and most importantly—moderate the channel, keeping it focused on being THE spotting channel for the Anniversary event. Several people I spoke with initially thought Wrong-Way had to be a Funcom employee, but she did it all on her own time.
Cuttin' a Rug, in the Frost.
If you look closely, you can see her dancing in these pics. She's the one with pink hair and a HALO, bestowed upon her by Funcom at the behest of other players, for her effort. She and several other folks—including someone in the lower left foreground—got the halos. And they deserve them.
Beehive Techno
I've said it before, but TSW Anniversary Guardians of Gaia event created the biggest spontaneous community coordination I have ever participated in. It was phenomenal.


  1. "She and several other folks—including someone in the lower left foreground—got the halos. And they deserve them."

    I fully agree. That was some awesome work, never saw any other community do anything even remotely like this. My very big thanks to the players doing so much and so awesome work here. :)

  2. It was excellent work and very much appreciated. I thought it was an all-round excellent event and the community response was highly impressive.

    I would say, though, that I have seen similar responses and other equally impressive community-led actions in a number of MMOs over the years. MMO communities are generally pretty impressive, given half a chance.
