
Friday, August 30, 2013

10,000 Hits


As I said, this is really great for me, especially since I had no single unexpected whale of a post. As you can see below, my all-time top posts are mostly from about two years ago. In the grand scheme, I know I am a tiny fish. But this still exciting. Something that had not occurred to me as I sat anticipating the "rollover" from 9,999 to 10,000 pageviews . . .
. . . was that the scale itself would double, making my graph look flatter.
Anyway, for the second time today, thank you,
Dear Reader.


  1. Ha, congrats buddy! You have certainly touched the sky!

    Just for the record, you surpass me in almost every statistical category. (-:

  2. Congratulations!

    I passed my own monthly pageview record today with one day of the month still to go. Surprising in that you might expect more people would be reading blogs in the winter than the summer, what with all the going outside thing, but then everyone reads on smartphones and tablets now I guess...

    1. Possibly. In my case, I think it is partly my involvement with Holosuite Media and getting more exposure through the "Beyond the Veil" talk show. Not really sure exactly. It's just nice to see steady growth.

      And thank you! I forgot to thank HZero, too.

  3. ..."making the graph look flatter"... awwws *hugs*.

    Grats on your 10k each month thing, it's good to see a steady grow indeed! Perhaps I too will one day touch the sky... :)

    1. Hehe, I hope it's "each month." So far it's only this month. And thank you. I spend far too much time worrying about this sort of thing.

  4. Congrats man! I don't look often, as I'm generally scared of what I would see, but I looked today, and my fears were right. My graph has the opposite effect, a sharp downward trend. I'm lucky to get 30/day, and I'm sure most of them are spammers. Ah well. Of course, now I'm debating if it's worth it. Blech.

    1. I started like that, too. I was lucky to average 30 hits a day for the first year and a half I was blogging. That graph doesn't even start until about five or six months after I started my first blog. And I am positive a significant number of my hits are from bots and/or spammers even now.

    2. Yes it's worth it, Ocho. Don't you even dare considering stopping! ;)

    3. Well, thank you. I do sometimes get those down feelings. Those, "What if what I say isn't adding anything to the conversation" thoughts... or more morose "I wonder if anyone is listening" thoughts. Bah. It usually passes, though.

  5. Congrats. It seems you're missing out on the Greenland crowd!

    1. LOL I'm not sure how many computers there are in Greenland.

  6. Congratulations! At my current rate, that will take me... a bit more time.

    You earned it though. :)
