
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Reaching Goals and Finding Serenity

My lovely bride, Scooterz, has caught the Rift Dimension Decorating Bug, and we were up till, like, 11:30 Tuesday night, poring over the various options in the dimension item store. Her version of Faen's Retreat is finely appointed, and she even created a floating serenity garden. There's still more do, she says; and therefore, more pics will forthcoming.
Meanwhile, I hosted a host of visitors last night at my private island, Fair Haven. Scooterz decided a certain shady spot with views of the two capitals was the perfect place for a serenity spot of my own, so I placed a bench to sit and a book to read. The Lady Jessmyn joined us on her Nebula steed for a quick portrait. What a lovely trio of High Elves.
So I mentioned a couple days ago that July was my best month yet for visits that didn't result from a single whale of a post. Hopefully, that trend continues (I wanna be Internet Famous), but it is somewhat out of my control. All I can do is continue to put out stuff people want to read, by which I mean stuff I would want to read. However, I did also reach a goal that was totally mine to own. Back in April of 2010—my fourth month of blogging about games—I managed to write more posts than there were days in the month. About a week into this month just past, I realized I was could potentially repeat that feat. Now, unlike Belghast, Syp, and some others, I don't generally make a goal of posting every day. And I didn't this month, but I did post several different topics on a few days. So it averaged out, and I published 32 posts during the 31 days of July. If you're reading this, there's a good chance you read all of them. But if you didn't, skim back through. You may find something else you like. :)


  1. I've been a good boy and left dimensions alone so far. I'm sure I'll have to delve into it eventually, but for right now I don't need yet another time sink for me to get completely lost in.

    1. Oh yeah. Different setting, but this is what I'd hoped the ship interiors for both STO and SWTOR had been, and then some. I've barely made any leveling progress since returning (quite bit of Planar Attunement, despite spending hours over the past week or two. As I've mentioned, the lack of true preview capabilities hampered my decision process.

  2. Some of those visitors Tuesday night may or may not have been my little playing group. Also, we may or may not have taken hilarious screenshots to form the basis of a future post.

    1. That's fine, you're all welcome to visit. :) Did you like (and click the Like button)?

    2. We may or may not have known there was a like button. We may or may not remedy that in the near future. (-:
