
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Filthy, Filthy Holes

OK, there's really only one right now, besides the one to Tokyo, which is inaccessible. But The Whispering Tide event is in full swing; I suspect there will be more. This time, the "War Effort" centers around farming Pure Metal and crafting "Ambrosia of Supernal Quicksilver" to fuel the the capacitors which are supposed to be preventing the spread of the Filth. I can't help wondering if the Beestung are being misled though, much like fighting the Guardians of Gaia seemed counter-intuitive.

Subscribers are getting "free" event currency tokens, apparently, that non-members do not receive. There's also a free 8-hour (played time) XP boost available in the claim items section of the "Secret Store."

On a side note, the Get Your Art in the Game fashion design contest has been narrowed down to the top ten for male and female characters. Make sure you go check those links out and vote for your favorites. The winning entries will be made available later in the Secret Store.


  1. That's a great screenshot there. Looks a bit creepy too in a way, but then there are all those people standing there as if it's the most normal thing in the world. :) /Unrelated

    1. I do find it amusing that people are just standing around in most of the pics I have seen of the portal. In their defense, many are probably doing the crafting required for the event, for which there is no animation in TSW.

  2. The Camden High Society female set is fantastic, but the male version is pretty blah. Also like the Midnight Magic dress. On the mens side, Easy Living and Psychiatric Patient were my favs. Cool stuff.

    1. Yeah, I voted for the Camden High Society, myself. We discussed how they might do the glittery fabric on the show the other night.
