
Monday, September 23, 2013

NBI II: The Newbies Strike Back!

(Borrowed from Syp): We need both mentors and new/aspiring MMO bloggers to sign up for the Newbie Blogger Initiative 2!  Check out the official announcement at T.R. Red Skies and the official NBI 2 forums!
Whether you’re a vlogger, blogger, podcaster, artist or whatever …if you own a blog dedicated to video games, the Newbie Blogger Initiative 2 needs your support! A great number of bloggers supported the Initiative last year and we are calling on you again to participate as well as imploring new bloggers to snatch this opportunity as well. The goals of the NBI are simple:  Find, visit, and promote new video game bloggers.  Create a friendly network of support.  Increase survival of new bloggers. (This is a new area of focus this year!)
I participated in Syp's first NBI during May of 2012, and a lot of good advice and great new blogs came of it. Sadly, most are no longer active; however, quite few still post regularly. You can check out the advice and recent updates from NBI 2012 in the near-right column on this page. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone has to say, and greet the new bloggers out there.

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