
Friday, August 1, 2014

Blaugust: A Whirlwind of Words

My blogging heart is all aflutter this morning as I embark with several of my peers on a Grand Experiment inspired and organized by the inimitable Aggronaut. Personally, I think Belghast let a golden opportunity sail right past in naming his daily blogging contest. "BLOGUST" would've been the perfect designation for the volume of hot air figuratively whistling out of the mighty windbags that comprise the blogging community, myself included. It takes a certain type of inflated ego to think that when we puff on our horns, people should lean into the gale. What better way to commemorate the tempest in a teapot that is any fandom—but especially the swelled heads of the gaming community, squalling about every whiff of change—than a summer flurry of posting, preparing us for the inevitable blogging shitstorm coming this fall as Hurricane WoD drives forth from the Irvine studios of the now venerable Blizzard. So on such an august occasion, I rush along with my fellow Aggronites as we begin our whirlwind of words. But enough of my bloviating on the subject.

I hardly posted in July; and honestly, it was a nice break. To catch you up, Dear Reader, I'm back in WildStar as of a couple weeks ago—along with my favorite gaming partner, Scooter—and enjoying every minute. Just this week, a kind and generous friend sold me his G73 to replace mine that was damaged on a trip this spring. In addition to being able to play WS with a non-pixelated view, this also means that I can get back into TSW, instead of watching from the sidelines.

If you're interested in joining the circadian sun showers of Blaugust, breeze on over to Belghast's Blaugust Initiative Page on Anook and let him know you're there. It may even mean a small windfall for you, as Belghast has prizes prepared for high achievers.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. If you are reading this post through RSS or Atom feed—especially more than a couple hours after publication—I encourage you to visit the actual page, as I often make refinements after the fact. The mobile version also loses some of the original character of the piece due to simplified formatting.


  1. You have no idea how much I went back and forth about the name... Blaugust just seemed cooler. Reminded me of some crazy elder god with full on mouth tentacles or something. It could have gone either way however. What it came down to is that Blaugust looked cooler than Blogust in that font :)

    1. The argument really was more a vehicle for my interminable wind puns. :-P

  2. Tell me more about that kind and generous friend. He sounds AWESOME!

    1. There you go, assuming my friend is a he.

    2. "kind and generous friend sold me his G73" ... not male?

    3. Woops, I scanned the passage in question and missed that. LOL He is AWESOME.

  3. I would gladly join into Blaugust, except I know myself better than that. I'd go crazy trying to think of topics as I'm really not one to listen to or create stream of consciousness. I'd essentially be talking just for the sake of talking, and that's not me. Plus, too busy right now preparing for multiple friends weddings and a vacation to Vegas mid-month. Barely enough time to game, let alone talk about it. :P

    1. You're in luck, assuming you're out of excuses! Bel is including writing prompts on each post to Scary posts from his PHONE!
