
Friday, August 29, 2014

A Different Kind of Game

"And so it begins," Scooter says dramatically. "Friday Night Football, the official beginning of fall."
Although I am not and never have been a sports nut, I find myself at the local football stadium. This place is nothing like the bleachers they called a stadium back in California when I was in high school. But this is Texas, and they eat, sleep, and breathe gridiron in the autumn. I have a friend at work who can tell you on any day of the off season how many days until the NFL starts again. (6 nights away, if you're interested.)
So here I am, watching high school football. Believe it or not, this nerd is actually having fun. While I think a huge amount of money is wasted on spectator sports in this country, there is a definite thrill to sitting in a stadium with a couple hundred or thousand people cheering for their team.

We happened to be sitting by the STEM academy, given the responsibility for tossing t-shirts into the crowd. They use a pneumatic cannon to do so.

My stepson will be proud of the young men he coaches on the defensive line. They have done well this game, keeping the opposing team from making too many touchdowns, while our offense steals the game.

UPDATE: The final score was 40-14.

There's only a couple "minutes" left in the fourth quarter of Blaugust! Take it all the way to the end zone, Cupcake!
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  1. I am a pretty big fan of football myself, and the NY Giants are definitely my favorite of all the teams in all the sports I root for. Because of this and the nature of my allergies, I can truly say Autumn is my favorite time of year. Also Halloween and pre-Chistmas game/movie releases. While I do enjoy me some Christmastime, end of summer/ beginning of fall makes ME want to sing "It's the most wonderful time of the year"!

    1. I do love the autumn. It's getting cooler, but isn't freezing yet. Halloween is smack dab in the middle, with more holidays around the corner. Luckily, I don't suffer from respiratory allergies.
