
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Link Preferences Reader Poll

I just went down a minor rabbit hole and now I have posted a little poll on the side of the blog. When browsing (blogs in particular and, specifically IHTtS) would you rather have links open in the same window/tab (replacing IHTtS) or that links open in new tabs/windows (based on your browser preferences)? Or would your rather decide in the moment and use whatever method (e.g, ctrl-click) to do it yourself?
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. If you are reading this post through RSS or Atom feed—especially more than a couple hours after publication—I encourage you to visit the actual page, as I often make refinements after the fact. The mobile version also loses some of the original character of the piece due to simplified formatting.


  1. I always have them open in a new tab. I hate losing my place if I forget to middle mouse click or if I accidentally click a link while scrolling.

    1. I was reading what exactly the "target=_blank" html command does, and there was a very opinionated article and commentary on default behavior, and what the user expects vs. what the web developer should do.

    2. I expect it to open same tab, but I don't prefer it. If you do what I expect, then you don't do what I prefer. If you do what I prefer, then I didn't expect it and try to avoid or circumvent those expectations until I learn otherwise.

      No real winner here.

    3. The article ( makes the assumption that the typical user knows what they're doing, and emphasizes user choice. Much of the commentary begs to differ. The dichotomy between expectations and preferences are very interesting. And you're right, if like me (and Jaedia), you always open in new tabs, you might never be aware that the code has changed.

  2. I don't care. :) I middle-mouse click to open a new tab anyway.

  3. The same as Jaedia for me.

    I recently changed my blog to open external clicks in new tabs. That's the way I browse through blogs personally. I didn't really think about people being offended about it (haven't heard anyone noticing either), so I'm curious to hear what the results to your poll are. :)

  4. Use the default HTML behavior. That way the user can open things in a new tab if she wishes, or as her browser supports.

    As well, it's more likely to work everywhere. For example, sometimes pop-up suppressors will kill links that appear in a new window automatically. (Because of intrusive advertising.)

    1. That was the argument from the author of the original post that I linked above. The commentariat had varying opinions on both the expectations and abilities of the end user, not to mention current de facto standards vs "the way things oughta be." At this point, I'm not sure where I stand on the issue. And such a minor issue it seems to be.

  5. I prefer links to open in a separate tab. If someone is reading your content why would you want them to follow a link away from your site to somewhere else?

    1. I am thinking the same thing, but the article says that's a "bad reason."

  6. Usually on-site links are navigation, so same tab, while off-site I usually prefer to open in a separate tab. But as you can't rely on sites doing what you want, I usually manually choose how to they should be opened.

    1. It was pointed out in the article commentary that major sites like Facebook and Twitter do exactly that.

  7. Not long ago I would have said I absolutely prefer a new window. But often being forced to try new things turns out for the best ;) Now it definitely depends on the situation and I almost always r-click so I can choose one or the other regardless of browser settings.
