Rants tag

Rants, ruminations, and rambling remarks from my mad, muddled, meandering mind.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Figure Studies: The Lawman and the Smuggler

IntPiPoMo is here! Chestnut has details, but the TL;DR is 50 pics in 30 days. Get to it! And let Chestnut know in the comments on her post.
I've thought for a few days about how to tell a story about these pictures, taken during a scene from the Smuggler's story on Coruscant. In the end, I think I will just let you draw your own conclusions. If you've been through this plotline, then you might remember what happens.

Dramatis Personae:

We begin with the intrepid lawman, Miel Muwn of the Sullustan Constable Brigade. In hot pursuit of the nefarious thief Skavak, the diminutive deputy runs afoul of assassins sent to eliminate him. Here, he cuts a heroic stance despite being hopelessly outgunned. (I wonder if anyone at BioWare noticed that Miel means honey in Spanish.)
Urbax, the dishonorable thug who calls himself a bounty hunter. A leader in the Black Sun criminal syndicate, Urbax and his gang waylay the lawman in a spaceport hangar near the Galactic Senate Tower. (Picture borrowed from Wookieepedia, and not counted in my IntPiPoMo total.)
Heliantha Sunsage, an "upstanding citizen" in hot pursuit of Skavak for reasons of her own, always seems to show up at the wrong time. Or maybe it's just the wrong time for the Cathar and his cronies, but the right time for the Sullustan.
Rounding out our little morality play: Corso Riggs, overgrown boy scout and occasional GQ model. Quick to protect the innocent and the underdog, Corso's trusty blaster is always ready to back his Captain's play. (The Mantellian militiaman is growing on me, possibly because Heliantha is playing it mostly Light).
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